Introducing the Occam Terminal
Your Link To Our Warehouse
Gaming stores cultivating a community are at the heart of our industry. Without you, and the gamers you support, there would be no one and nowhere to play!
There is so much choice now for consumers and some ranges have a vast number of SKUs making it near impossible to hold everything your gaming community could want.
Space and cash flow are two of the most common issues we hear about when it comes to selecting what to stock in your store, so we have set out to develop a way to support you, our trade partners, like no one has ever done before.
Introducing the Occam Terminal, your link to a virtual warehouse of over 10,000 products.

What Is The Terminal?
In short, it’s a tablet! We have developed an easy-to-use customised storefront that links your Occam trade account directly with our trade warehouse.
How Does It Work?
Customers place an order directly on the terminal, we ship the order to your store, and the customer collects it from your store when it’s delivered – simple!
What Do You Get?
You’ll earn a commission on the sale equal to what you would have done when buying the item via our trade site, and then selling it yourself. Commissions are paid to you at the end of every month.
How Do You Get One?
You must have a brick-and-mortar store in the UK and be an active trade account of Occam. Contact one of our account managers to register your interest via